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Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS si riserva la facoltà, a suo insindacabile giudizio, di eliminare/modificare dal Forum i post aventi contenuto illegittimo, illegale o comunque lesivo di altrui diritti e dei contenuti ritenuti non in linea con il Regolamento completo e aggiornato della comunità.
I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica •

Ven 04 Mar 2011, 23:59
Vulvodinia. Strategie di diagnosi e cura
Graziottin, Alessandra; Murina, Filippo
2011, Milano, Springer Verlag

La vulvodinia. Linee di indirizzo per la gestione diagnostica e terapeutica
Barbara; Murina Filippo; Puliatti Maria
2011, Roma, CIC Editore

Il Dolore Intimo
Vulvare e perineale

, Ezio
2009, Padova, Piccin Editore

Spano, Nicoletta
2010, Milano, CUEM Editore • il manuale è consultabile online sul sito della dott.ssa:

Il dolore femminile

a cura di Maria Puliatti
2007, Salerno, Ecomind Srl

Vulvodinia e vestibolite vulvare
A cura di Luigi Benassi e Alessandra Graziottin
2006, Roma, CIC Editore

Il dolore segreto. Le cause e le terapie del dolore femminile durante i rapporti sessuali
, Alessandra
2005, Milano, Arnolodo Mondadori Editore

The Vulvodynia Survival Guide
, Howard, I., PhD., Rodke, Gae, M.D.
2002, Oakland, CA, New Harbinger Publications.

> Vulvodinia ("vestibolite") • Etiopatogenesi e semeiologia - ruolo mastocita - polimorfismo genico - ipertono pavimento pelvico
> relazione Cistite - Vulvodinia (V post >> Lazzeri,Montorsi: Eur. Urol. 60(2011)78-80) +

+ precisazione in merito all'Epitelio di Transizione
> relazione Cistite Interstiziale - Vulvodinia

> CI (Cistite Interstiziale)
> II
> Gate Control Theory
> dolore neuropatico

Schede mediche prof.ssa Graziottin
schede mediche online in libera consultazione:
vestibolite vulvare
I  parte

II  parte
III parte
Corso su "Vulvodinia: semeiotica differenziale del dolore vulvare e delle comorbilità associate" - Obiettivi di apprendimento
Anni disponibili:  2010  2009  2008
Interviste audiostream della prof. Graziottin:
"Dolore ai rapporti e vestibolite vulvare: guarire si può"
"Dolore ai rapporti: tutte le strategie per guarire"
"Il mastocita - Prima parte
Funzioni fisiologiche, fattori e conseguenze dell'iperattivazione"

"Il mastocita - Seconda parte
Ruolo nel processo infiammatorio e nella genesi del dolore cronico"
"Il mastocita - Terza parte
Ruolo nella patogenesi della vestibolite vulvare"
Pubblicazioni dei siti della prof.ssa Graziottin
"Vulvodynia: a state-of-the-art consensus on definitions, diagnosis and management "
"Vulvar Vestibulitis Syndrome: a Clinical Approach"
"La vestibolite vulvare: prospettive terapeutiche"
"La vestibolite vulvare: aspetti fisiopatologici e clinici"

"La percezione del dolore pelvico cronico nella donna: fattori predittivi e implicazioni cliniche"
"Dolore pelvico cronico: comorbilità e implicazioni psicosomatiche"
"Neuropathic pain in vulvar vestibulitis: Diagnosis and treatment"
Pubblicazioni del dottor Glazer
Howard I. Glazer Ph.D. is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Weill College of Medicine of Cornell University/New York Presbyterian Hospital, with a professional practice focus on surface electromyography in the diagnosis and treatment of lower urogenital tract, gastrointestinal tract, and sexual  pain and dysfunction. . He is a Clinical Associate Professor at Cornell University Medical College/ New York Presbyterian Hospital,  a member of the
International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (ISSVD), a member of the Medical Board of the National Vulvodynia Association (NVA), and a member of the Editorial Advisory Board  of the chronic pelvic pain section for His background combines neurophysiology/ neurochemistry, learning theory, sex therapy, behavioral medicine and electromyography. Dr. Glazer provides individual clinical services, training workshops, in-office speciality training, and he is actively involved in several multidisciplinary and multinational research projects.
Blibliografia Vulvodinia dr. Glazer

Link Swab Test;jsessionid=E8BC963F861F17BF2508F24792C384B0.c1

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Da MedicItalia


Risultati dello studio ESOVIA

Da Scientific Commons

Ultima modifica di Meluna il Sab 18 Gen 2014, 05:32 - modificato 27 volte. (Motivazione : inserimento aggiornamenti)
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
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I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty 18/04/2011 The mastcell, director of chronic pelvic pain orchestra: implications for the gynaecologist •

Ven 22 Apr 2011, 20:49
The mastcell, director of chronic pelvic pain orchestra: implications for the gynaecologist
Dal Journal of Rheumatology sul polimorfismo genico e l'MBL
correlazione vv - MBL
correlazione vv - MBL
alcuni articoli interessanti (in inglese)

Ultima modifica di Aida il Lun 24 Ott 2011, 01:13 - modificato 1 volta.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
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I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Dolore pelvico cronico: mastociti e fisiopatologia delle comorbilità •

Ven 06 Mag 2011, 21:38

Dolore pelvico cronico: mastociti e fisiopatologia delle comorbilità
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
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I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty L'Adelmidrol •

Mar 10 Mag 2011, 07:43
"L'Adelmidrol nelle iperalgesie vulvovaginali nel post-parto e puerperio", Dott. Demetrio Costantino, Dirigente Medico I livello Azienza USL Ferrara Centro Salute Donna, pubblicazione dell' 11 marzo 2011

Ultima modifica di Aida il Sab 29 Set 2012, 21:02 - modificato 2 volte.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
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I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Dolore pelvico cronico: mastociti e fisiopatologia delle comorbilità •

Lun 23 Mag 2011, 09:11
In allegato
File allegati
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Attachment
2180 - mastociti e comorbilit.pdf Leggetelo e scaricatelo! ;)Non hai il permesso di scaricare i file.(136 KB) Scaricato 3 volte
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS si riserva la facoltà, a suo insindacabile giudizio, di eliminare/modificare dal Forum i post aventi contenuto illegittimo, illegale o comunque lesivo di altrui diritti e dei contenuti ritenuti non in linea con il Regolamento completo e aggiornato della comunità.
I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Vulvodinia dal sito dell' NIH e da Medline (PubMed) •

Gio 16 Giu 2011, 01:31
• Da National Institutes of Health*&q=vulvodinia&btnG.x=0&btnG.y=0
• Da Pubmed
Proliferazione delle fibre nervose vestibolari • Pubmed
Incremento dell'espressione dei recettori nocicettivi VR1 nel tesuto vestibolare • Pubmed
Riduzione dell'espressione dei recettori estrogenici nel tessuto vestibolare • Pubmed
Incremento di mastociti e del prodotto della loro degranulazione nel tessuto vestibolare • Pubmed
Presenza in elevata percentuale in donne con vestibolodinia di un polimorfismo genico, avente come risultato le seguenti alterazioni:

• ridotta capacità nell'arginare l'infiammazione • Pubmed

• amplificazione della risposta infiammatoria • Pubmed

• ridotta capacità di combattere la colonizzazione/infezione della Candida albicans • Pubmed
Studi inerenti la sensibilizzazione centrale nelle donne con vestibolodinia hanno dimostrato alti livelli di attività cerebrale nella corteccia somatosensoriale ed in quella insulare,durante l'applicazione di una pressione in corrispondenza del vestibolo posteriore • Pubmed
Alterazioni del pattern di contrattilità della muscolatura del pavimento pelvico • Pubmed
(schema delle pubblicazioni Pubmed tratto dal sito -
• Ultime pubblicazioni PubMed (arco temporale ultimo decennio)
• Ricerche cliniche in corso (riferito alla data di pubblicazione del presente post)

Ultima modifica di Admin il Mar 28 Giu 2011, 16:00 - modificato 1 volta.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS si riserva la facoltà, a suo insindacabile giudizio, di eliminare/modificare dal Forum i post aventi contenuto illegittimo, illegale o comunque lesivo di altrui diritti e dei contenuti ritenuti non in linea con il Regolamento completo e aggiornato della comunità.
I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Re: Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica •

Mar 28 Giu 2011, 01:42
per motivi di spazio lascio il link a pdf meta, in cui si trova molto materiale
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS si riserva la facoltà, a suo insindacabile giudizio, di eliminare/modificare dal Forum i post aventi contenuto illegittimo, illegale o comunque lesivo di altrui diritti e dei contenuti ritenuti non in linea con il Regolamento completo e aggiornato della comunità.
I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Capnellene •

Gio 06 Ott 2011, 03:51
[Ricercatori] del National Sun Yat-Sen Universit di Taiwan, stanno studiando una sostanza estratta dalle barriere coralline che sembra lenire il dolore alle articolazioni nervose.

I test sono stati condotti su un gruppo di topi, che ricordiamo manifestano sintomi e reazioni alle cure molto simili a quelle dell'uomo, ed è stato rilevato che questa sostanza, denominata "capnellene", ricavata dal corallo che è presente nei fondali di Green
Island, sembra in grado di rinforzare i tessuti che avvolgono i nervi riducendo le manifestazioni dolorose.
Al momento, scrive nella ricerca il dottor Zhi-Hong Wen, autore dello studio, sono ben pochi i medicinali in grado di conseguire questo
risultato, e lo studio del capnellene potrebbe portare alla produzione di un'intera categoria di agenti farmaceutici in grado di calmare il dolore ai nervi, nell'attesa di trovare una cura efficace.

Qui la ricerca scientifica -->
Capnellene, a natural marine compound derived from soft coral, attenuates chronic constriction injury-induced neuropathic pain in rats.
Yen-Hsuan Jean, WuFu Chen, Chun-Sung Sung, Chan-Yih Duh, Shi-Ying Huang, Chan-Shing Lin, Ming-Hon Tai, Shun-Fen Tzeng and Zhi-Hong Wen

British Journal of Pharmacology
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

Anche quest'anno non dimenticarti delle oltre 4 milioni di italiane che soffrono di vulvodinia!
Il tuo 5 per Mille per 1 donna su 7 Codice Fiscale  97 82 56 90 585

• Non sono un medico.
Tutti i consigli vanno seguiti sotto la propria respons-abilità e valutati col proprio medico curante, al quale nessuno senza gli stessi titoli e autorizzazioni può legalmente ed eticamente sostituirsi.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non è e non può essere ritenuto in alcun modo responsabile dei contenuti dei messaggi presenti nel Forum, scritti e inviati autonomamente dagli Utenti sotto loro piena e totale respons-abilità.
VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS si riserva la facoltà, a suo insindacabile giudizio, di eliminare/modificare dal Forum i post aventi contenuto illegittimo, illegale o comunque lesivo di altrui diritti e dei contenuti ritenuti non in linea con il Regolamento completo e aggiornato della comunità.
I gestori di VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS non si assumono in alcun modo alcuna respons-abilità per eventuali danni derivati a persone e cose tramite i messaggi inseriti nel Forum.

Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty The Relationship Of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome to Vulvodynia •

Ven 14 Ott 2011, 17:16
The Relationship Of Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome to Vulvodynia.
Carrico D., Sherer K., Peters KM.
The WISH Program, Department of Urology Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI, USA.
• Introduction Many patients have interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS), a condition of frequency, urgency, and pain affecting more than 1 million women in the United States. The vulva, not the urethra or bladder, may actually be the site of some of the reported pain in women with IC/PBS.
• Purpose The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of vulvodynia in women diagnosed with IC/PBS.
• Method A mailed survey was used to identify women with IC/PBS who also reported vulvar pain. The survey also identified related factors, such as menstrual/hormonal status, sexual function, abuse, and sequence of vulvar and bladder pain from adolescence to adulthood.
Results Four-hundred-sixteen women with a documented diagnosis of IC/PBS were mailed a survey. The response rate was 49.6%, with 197 completed surveys returned. Results include vulvar pain in adolescence reported by 10.9% of the respondents, while vulvar pain in adulthood was reported by 48.4% of the women. During the last year, 62.7% of the respondents reported vulvar pain.
Ninety-five percent (95%) of the women reported having been sexually active in adulthood, but one-third were not currently sexually active; 27% reported fear of pain as the reason. An abuse history was reported by 28.5% of the women. Of the women who were postmenopausal (two-thirds of the group), 38% used hormone replacement therapy. Birth history showed no correlation to vulvar pain.
• Conclusions The chronic pain that IC/PBS patients feel may not be totally related to their bladder, but instead, may be vulvar pain.
The incidence of abuse, past pelvic surgeries, pelvic floor dysfunction, and the chronologic sequence of co-morbid symptoms should be further assessed.

Urol Nurs. 2009 Jul-Aug;29(4):233-8.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
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Ven 13 Gen 2012, 19:21
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Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
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Messaggi : 16107
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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Bibliografia “Focus sulla vulvodinia” del dr. Filippo Murina, Pelviperineologia, giugno 2010) •

Ven 03 Feb 2012, 00:23
“Focus sulla vulvodinia” del dr. Filippo  Murina, Pelviperineologia, giugno 2010, pubblicato in

1. Haefner, H.K., Collins, M.E., Davis, G.D., et Al. The vulvodynia guideline, J Lower Genital Tract Disease, 9 (2005) 40-51.
2. Sarma, A.V., Foxman, B., Bayirli, B., Haefner, H. and Sobel, J., Epidemiology of vulvar vestibulitis syndrome; an exploratory case-control study, Sex Tran Inf, 75 (1999) 320-6.
3. B abula, O., Danielsson, I., Sjoberg, I., Ledger, W.J. and Witkin, S.S., Altered distribution of mannose-binding lectin alleles at exon I codon 54
in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 191 (2004) 762-6.
4. Gerber, S., Bongiovanni, A.M., Ledger, W.J. and Witkin, S.S., Defective regulation of the proinflammatory immune response in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, Am J Obstet Gynecol, 186 (2002) 696-700.
5. Gerber, S., Bongiovanni, A.M., Ledger, W.J. and Witkin, S.S., Interleukin- 1beta polymorphism in women with vulvar vestibulitis syndrome, Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 107 (2003) 74-7.
6. Glazer, H.I., Jantos, M., Hartmann, E.H. and Swenclonis, C., Electromyographic comparisons of the pelvic floor in women with dysesthetic vulvodynia and asymptomatic women, J Reprod Med, 43 (1998) 959-962
7. Glazer, H.I., Dysesthetic vulvodynia. Long-term follow-up after treatment with surface electromyography-assisted pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation, J Reprod Med, 45 (2000) 798-802.
8. Murina F, Bianco V, Radici G, Felice R, Di Martino M, Nicolini U. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation to treat vestibulodynia: a randomised controlled trial. BJOG Aug 2008; 115:1165-1170
9. Murina F, Tassan P, Roberti P, Bianco V. Treatment of vulvar vestibulitis with submucous infiltrations of methylprednisolone and lidocaine. J Low Genit Tract Dis. 2002 Jan;6(1):62
10. Glazer HI, Rodke G, Swencionis C, Hertz R, Young AW. Treatment of vulvar vestibulitis syndrome with electromiographic biofeedback of
pelvic floor muscolature. J Reprod Med 1995;40:283-90
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Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
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Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
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Lun 27 Feb 2012, 14:39
1. Bachmann GA, Rosen R, Pinn VW, Utian WH, Ayers C, Basson R, et al. Vulvodynia: a state-of-the-art consensus on definitions, diagnosis and management. J Reprod Med 2006;51:447-56.

Cited Here... | PubMed

2.Foster DC, Hasday JD. Elevated tissue levels of interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in vulvar vestibulitis. Obstet Gynecol


Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed | CrossRef

3.Haefner HK, Collins ME, Davis GD, Edwards L, Foster DC, Hartmann ED, et al. The vulvodynia guideline. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2005;9:40-51.

Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed | CrossRef

4.Jeremias J, Ledger WJ, Witkin SS. Interleukin 1 receptor antagonist gene polymorphism in women with vulvar vestibulitis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;182:283-5.
Cited Here...

5.Goetsch MF. Vulvar vestibulitis: prevalence and historic features in a general gynecologic practice population. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1991;164:1609-14.
Cited Here... | PubMed

6.Harlow BL, Stewart EG. A population-based assessment of chronic unexplained vulvar pain: have we underestimated the prevalence of

vulvodynia? J Am Med Womens Assoc 2003;58:82-8.

Cited Here... | PubMed

7.Reed BD, Crawford S, Couper M, Cave C, Haefner HK. Pain at the vulvar vestibule: a web-based survey. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2004;8:48-57.

Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed | CrossRef

8.Reed BD, Haefner HK, Harlow SD, Gorenflo DW, Sen A. Reliability and validity of self-reported symptoms for predicting vulvodynia. Obstet

Gynecol 2006;108:906-13.

Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed

9.Harlow BL, Wise LA, Stewart EG. Prevalence and predictors of chronic lower genital tract discomfort. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2001;185:545-50.

Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed | CrossRef

10.Reed BD, Caron AM, Gorenflo DW, Haefner HK. Treatment of vulvodynia with tricyclic antidepressants: efficacy and associated factors. J Low Genit Tract Dis 2006;10:245-51.
Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed | CrossRef

11.Bazin S, Bouchard C, Brisson J, Morin C, Meisels A, Fortier M. Vulvar vestibulitis syndrome: an exploratory case-control study. Obstet Gynecol 1994;83:47-50.
Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed

12.Bohm-Starke N, Johannesson U, Hilliges M, Rylander E, Torebjork E. Decreased mechanical pain threshold in the vestibular mucosa of women using oral contraceptives: a contributing factor in vulvar vestibulitis? J Reprod Med 2004;49:888-92.

Cited Here... | PubMed

13.Bouchard C, Brisson J, Fortier M, Morin C, Blanchette C. Use of oral contraceptive pills and vulvar vestibulitis: a case-control study. Am J

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Cited Here...

14.Johannesson U, Blomgren B, Hilliges M, Rylander E, Bohm-Starke N. The vulval vestibular mucosa-morphological effects of oral contraceptives and menstrual cycle. Br J Dermatol 2007;157:487-93.
Cited Here... | View Full Text | PubMed | CrossRef

15.Sjoberg I, Nylander Lundqvist EN. Vulvar vestibulitis in the north of Sweden. An epidemiologic case-control study. J Reprod Med 1997;42:166-8.

Cited Here... | PubMed

Obstetrics & Gynecology August 2008 - Volume 112 - Issue 2, Part 1 doi: 10.1097/AOG.0b013e318180965b Original Research Vulvodynia Incidence and Remission Rates Among Adult Women: A 2-Year Follow-up Study
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Aida Blanchett

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Economic Burden and Quality of Life of Vulvodynia in the United States •

Sab 17 Mar 2012, 02:12
Economic Burden and Quality of Life of Vulvodynia in the United States.
Xie Y., Shi L., Xiong X., Wu E., Dade C.
To explore the economic burden and quality of life of vulvodynia in the United States.
Methods We conducted a web-based survey from 2009 to 2010. Patients who responded to the advertisement of National Vulvodynia Association completed the survey every month recording their own costs and their employers' payments related to vulvodynia in the past month. A total of 302 patients entered data for at least one month and among them, 97 patients had completed data for six months.
We used multiple imputation to generate values for unobserved cost components. For insurance payments, we also extracted the average insurance payments for direct health care service related to vulvodynia from a commercial insurance database. The total costs were disaggregated into direct health care costs, direct non-health care costs and indirect costs. We also assessed patients' quality of life by using Euro QOL 5 dimensions (EQ-5D) in a follow-up survey.
Results The total costs in six months were $8862.40 per patient, of which $6043.34 (68.19%) was direct health care costs, $553.81 (6.25%) was direct non-health care costs and $2265.25 (25.56%) was indirect costs.
Based on the reported prevalence range of 3% to 7% in the U.S., our analysis yielded an annual national burden ranging from $31 billion to $72 billion in the United States. Yet the estimate should be viewed with caution as our study sample was a non-probability sample. The average EQ-5D score was 0.74±0.19 among vulvodynia patients.
Conclusion Vulvodynia is associated with a huge economic burden to both individuals and the society. It is also related to a relatively low quality of life.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Sab 17 Mar 2012, 02:14
J Sex Med. 2012 Feb 21. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2011.02641.x. [Epub ahead of print]Provoked Vestibulodynia-Women's Experience of Participating in a Multidisciplinary Vulvodynia Program.

Sadownik LA, Seal BN, Brotto LA.

of Obstetrics & Gynecology, University of British Columbia,
Vancouver, Canada Department of Psychology, University of
the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, Canada.


  Provoked Vestibulodynia (PVD) is the most common cause of pain with
intercourse that affects reproductively aged women. The treatment
outcome literature suggests that existing treatments, when administered
individually, may have only limited benefits for improving pain, and
that multidisciplinary approaches may be more effective for reducing
pain and pain-associated distress. A program that offers education,
group cognitive behavioral therapy, pelvic floor physiotherapy, and
medical appointments was developed and implemented at our hospital site.
Aim.  To explore the experiences of women who participated in the
Multidisciplinary Vulvodynia
Program (MVP) in order to identify the perceived benefits of this
program. Methods.  Qualitative retrospective study. A semi-structured
interview format was used to interview graduates of the MVP. Nineteen
women, mean age 30.8 (20-54 years), participated in a one-on-one
in-depth interview with a trained interviewer. The key question asked
was "What has been the impact of the MVP on your life?" Interviews were
audio-recorded, transcribed, and qualitatively analyzed for major
themes. Main Outcome Measure.  Content analysis of interview
transcripts. Results.  Five main themes emerged and included: increased
knowledge, gained tools/skills, perceived improved mood/psychological
well-being, a sense of validation and support, and an enhanced sense of
empowerment. Conclusion.  Overall, a multidisciplinary vulvodynia
program was perceived as being beneficial for women with PVD. Sadownik
LA, Seal BN, and Brotto LA. Provoked vestibulodynia-Women's experience
of participating in a multidisciplinary vulvodynia program. J Sex Med **;**:**-**.
© 2012 International Society for Sexual Medicine.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Fattore chimico e scatenarsi della Vulvodinia •

Sab 21 Apr 2012, 02:17
Copio breve estratto da un articolo scientifico datato 27 April 2007 sul sito OurGyn a firma del dr. Andrew Goldstein. Interessa la parte che lui stesso ha evidenziato in grassetto:

In addition to a proliferation of nerve endings in the vestibule, there is a proliferation of mast cells in the vestibule. Mast cells are the white blood cells that are responsible for allergic and inflammatory reactions. 3) Up to 50% of women with VVS have a defect in one of 2 genes (IL1-RA, IL-1 beta) that are responsible for limiting inflammatory conditions in the body. If we put these (and other) pieces of information together, a new hypothesis is emerging. (Actually, we must give credit to Dr. Stanley Marinoff who first published this hypothesis in 1986- long before there was data to support it.)

VVS may be initiated by an allergic reaction to a chemical irritant in the vulvar vestibule. This irritation – possibly to topical antifungals, other medications, or chemicals- causes mast cells to migrate to the vestibule. If the irritation persists, activation of mast cells leads to an uncontrolled proliferation of nociceptors in the mucosa.

This hypothesis explains why up to 80% of women with VVS complain of an acute onset of symptoms that includes burning and itching, which then
progress to severe pain on touch. The pain on touch often then persists even after the initial symptoms of itching and burning disappear. Of course, further studies are ongoing to assess the validity of this hypothesis.

Perciò insisto e persisto nel sottolineare che il fattore chimico non è assolutamente da sottovalutare e l'uso di detergenti e di lubrificanti con componenti chimiche dannose va evitato nel modo più assoluto.
Usare solo acqua per risciacquarsi.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Vulvodinia ed Helicobacter pylori? •

Sab 21 Apr 2012, 02:24
A Search for Helicobacter pylori in Localized Vulvodynia
Adam Gevaa, Edmond Sabof, Josef Levyb, Monique Blumenthale, Ella Ophird, e, Hana Gevac, Jacob Bornsteind, e aWomen’s Health Center and bGastroenterology Unit, Lin Clinic, cDepartment of Quality Assurance, Rambam Medical Center, and dRappaport Faculty of Medicine, Hatechnion University, Haifa, and eDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya, Israel;
fDepartment of Pathology, Rhode Island Hospital and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, R.I., USA Address of Corresponding Author Gynecol Obstet Invest 2008;66:152-156 (DOI: 10.1159/000135712)
Background We noted that several patients presenting with both localized vulvodynia (vulvar vestibulitis) and peptic symptoms reported a resolution of dyspareunia after receiving a full treatment course for Helicobacter pylori.
Methods Women with localized vulvodynia were interviewed regarding symptoms of peptic disease. Those with peptic symptoms underwent a blood test for the presence of antibodies to H. pylori and were referred to a gastroenterology consultation. In all women, vestibular biopsies were obtained and stained for H. pylori. Healthy vestibular tissues as well as archival negative and positive gastric tissues served as controls. Results: Of the blood antibody tests, 12 (80%) were positive. None of the patients had evidence of H. pylori in the vestibule. Eleven women received triple therapy for eradication of H. pylori. Eight (73%) reported complete relief of dyspareunia and of gastric symptoms.
Conclusion Our study found no immunohistochemical evidence of H. pylori infection in the vestibule but suggested a possible role for anti-H. pylori treatment in localized vulvodynia.
Copyright © 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel


Ultima modifica di Aida il Sab 21 Apr 2012, 02:38 - modificato 1 volta.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
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Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
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Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Vulvodinia ed enzima eparanasi (heparanase enzyme)

Sab 21 Apr 2012, 02:37
Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2008 Jan;27(1):136-41.
Involvement of heparanase in the pathogenesis of localized vulvodynia.
Bornstein J, Cohen Y, Zarfati D, Sela S, Ophir E.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Research Laboratory and Department of Pathology, Western Galilee Hospital, Nahariya, Israel.
Recently, we have shown that vestibular hyperinnervation and the presence of 8 or more mast cells in a 10 x 10 microscopic field can be used as diagnostic criteria in localized vulvodynia (vulvar vestibulitis). We have also documented that degranulation of mast cells occurs in these cases. The present study further examines the characteristics of vestibular hyperinnervation and mast cell function in localized vulvodynia to elucidate if the 2 processes-hyperinnervation and mast cell increase and degranulation-are related. We examined vestibular tissue from 7 women aged 18 to 48 with severe localized vulvodynia and from 7 healthy control women. Parallel sections were stained by Giemsa and then immunostained for CD117 and heparanase. Nerve fibers that expressed protein gene product 9.5 were examined. Tissues from women with localized vulvodynia documented a significant increase in vestibular mast cells, subepithelial heparanase activity, and intraepithelial hyperinnervation compared with healthy women. This is the first documentation of heparanase activity in localized vulvodynia. Heparanase, which is degranulated from mast cells, is capable of degrading the vestibular stroma and epithelial basement membrane, thus permitting stromal proliferation and intraepithelial extension of nerve fibers, as seen in the present study. The hyperinnervation has been thought to cause the vestibular hyperesthesia distinctive of localized vulvodynia.
PMID:   18156988 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Cosa è l' eparanasi?

L'eparanasi è un enzima che agisce sulla superficie delle cellule e all'interno della matrice cellulare, con effetti degradanti.
Idrolizza le catene di eparansolfato (HS) dei proteoglicani.

L’eparanasi è un enzima implicato nel ricambio di molte molecole dei tessuti connettivi tra cui le cellule della parete dei vasi sanguigni. Negli ultimi anni è molto studiato in ambito oncologico come possibile bersaglio di nuovi farmaci anti-tumorali per ridurre la capacità di dare metastasi. Relativamente recente è l’interesse per questa molecola in àmbito diabetologico. Ricercatori dell’Università di Haifa, in Israele, hanno rilevato un aumento considerevole (circa 10 volte) di eparanasi nei campioni di urine e di plasma di soggetti con diabete tipo-2. In queste persone, gli elevati livelli di zucchero e di insulina stimolerebbero le cellule del rene a produrre eparanasi. Questo fatto, a sua volta, danneggerebbe i vasi sanguigni innescando la catena di effetti che porta alle complicanze del diabete.

Fonte: Shafat I et al. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 22;6(2):e17312.

Tra l'altro è il responsabile (come è facile intuire) dell'invecchiamento cutaneo (rughe, etc).
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Bibliografia sito del Dr. Glazer •

Sab 12 Gen 2013, 01:10
Richiamo la bibliografia presente nel sito del dr. Glazer:


Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

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Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty Articoli scientifici più recenti ricerca scientifica sulla Vulvodinia • Associazione VulvodiniaPuntoInfo ONLUS

Lun 18 Mag 2015, 16:57

Articoli scientifici più recenti ricerca scientifica sulla Vulvodinia • Associazione VulvodiniaPuntoInfo ONLUS

(grazie a

The incidence rates of vulvodynia differ by age, ethnicity, and marital status. Onset is more likely among women with previous symptoms of vulvodynia or those with intermediate symptoms not meeting criteria for vulvodynia and among those with pre-existing sleep, psychological, and comorbid pain disorders. This suggests vulvodynia is an episodic condition with a potentially identifiable prodromal phase.


Remission of vulvar pain among women with primary vulvodynia.

Our study underscores the heterogeneity of vulvodynia and provides evidence that primary vulvodynia may have a less wavering course and, as such, a potentially different underlying mechanism than that of secondary vulvodynia.


Vulvodynia-An Evidence-Based Literature Review and Proposed Treatment Algorithm.

The optimal therapy for vulvar pain syndrome remains elusive, with low percentages of therapeutic success, using either local or systemic pharmacological approaches. Surgery involving invasive and often irreversible therapeutic procedures has resulted in success for certain subtypes of vulvodynia. We present a multidisciplinary approach whereby pain treatment units may provide an intermediate level of care between standard medical and surgical treatments.
© 2015 World Institute of Pain.
Aida Blanchett
Aida Blanchett

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS

Elena Tione Presidente VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Qualifica professionale Qualifica professionale :
Mind-Body Health Coach per donne con dolore pelvico

Esci dal dolore ed Entra nella Tua Vita (c)!
Scopri come dire addio al tuo dolore pelvico


Messaggi : 16107
Iscritto il : 17.10.10
Anno di nascita : 1977
Provincia di residenza : Roma
Comune : Roma
Storia personale Storia personale : • LA MIA STORIA e la fondazione di VULVODINIA.INFO e VULVODINIA.INFO ONLUS
Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Clicca10

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Bibliografia Medico-Scientifica • Empty A review of the available clinical therapies for vulvodynia management and new data implicating proinflammatory mediators in pain elicitation

Mer 22 Feb 2017, 22:49

A review of the available clinical therapies for vulvodynia management and new data implicating proinflammatory mediators in pain elicitation

Authors ML Falsetta, DC Foster, AD Bonham, RP Phi
Tweetable abstract
Vulvodynia is a poorly understood, prevalent, and serious women's health issue requiring better understanding to improve therapy.
Localised provoked vulvodynia (LPV) is a common, chronic, and disabling condition: patients experience profound pain and a diminished quality of life. The aetiologic origins of vulvodynia are poorly understood, yet recent evidence suggests a link to site-specific inflammatory responses. Fibroblasts isolated from the vestibule of LPV patients are sensitive to proinflammatory stimuli and copiously produce pain-associated proinflammatory mediators (IL-6 and PGE2). Although LPV is a multifactorial disorder, understanding vulvar inflammation and targeting the inflammatory response should lead to treatment advances, especially for patients exhibiting signs of inflammation. NFκB (already targeted clinically) or other inflammatory components may be suitable therapeutic targets.

Vulvodynia is a prevalent form of chronic vulvar pain, affecting as many as 28% of women within their lifetime.[1] Population studies estimate that roughly 8% of women in the USA currently suffer from vulvodynia.[2, 3] Recognised in 1987 as ‘vulvar vestibulitis’, vulvodynia is now defined as persistent vulvar pain in the absence of any obvious disease pathology, such as active microbial infection or dermatological conditions.[4] This represents a chief obstacle in diagnosing and treating vulvodynia. Vulvodynia can be sub-classified into ‘localised’ or ‘generalised’, with the former affecting at least a portion of the vulvar vestibule or the clitoris, and the latter affecting the vulva as a whole.[5] The pain, often described as ‘knife-like’, burning, stinging, rawness, irritation, or itching can be provoked by touch (e.g. during tampon insertion or sexual intercourse), can be unprovoked, or mixed.[6] Localised provoked vulvodynia (LPV) is most common, especially in premenopausal women,[6, 7] whereas generalised vulvodynia is more common in peri- and postmenopausal women.[7] Here, we will focus on LPV, which is more prevalent and has received greater attention in the literature.
The elusive origins of vulvodynia and the unsurprising treatment shortcomings


Although many theories have been proposed to explain the occurrence of vulvodynia, including gene polymorphisms,[8, 9] psychological disorders,[10] inflammation/dysregulation of inflammatory pathways,[11-17] histories of yeast or human papilloma virus (HPV) infection,[18-20] sexual/childhood abuse,[21, 22] and childbirth/pelvic floor muscle dysfunction,[23, 24] there is no consensus regarding the precise cause(s) of disease. It is now generally accepted that vulvodynia is a multifactorial disorder influenced by several contributing factors; multidisciplinary therapies have been most effective in reducing/managing chronic vulvar pain and are currently the recommended line of treatment.[5, 25]
Topical therapies

Treatment failures stem from a limited understanding of the disease pathology and the factors that precipitate pain.[5] Current treatment strategies follow a ‘trial and error’ approach, guided mainly by expert opinion, rather than an evidence-based approach from randomised clinical trials (RCTs)[26]. Under this strategy, the degree of therapeutic intervention increases as symptoms fail to remit or worsen. Initial intervention involves minimising environmental irritants to the vulva, such as the cessation of detergent use, wearing exclusively cotton underwear, and refraining from wearing tight clothing.[5] These measures are often followed by or combined with the use of topical agents to relieve pain, namely anaesthetics (e.g. lidocaine) applied nightly or immediately prior to intercourse.[5] Other topical therapies (with questionable efficacy) include estrogen,[7] fibroblast lysates,[27] moisturisers, muscle relaxers (e.g. baclofen),[28] capsaicin,[29, 30] and topical tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. amitriptyline) or anticonvulsants (e.g. gabapentin).[31, 32]
Oral medications

When these lines of defence show no appreciable change, oral medications may be prescribed, which fall into two general categories: antidepressants and anticonvulsants.[5] Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), such as amitriptyline, nortriptyline, and desipramine, target pain and depression (associated with vulvodynia),[33, 34] but also have proven neuropathic pain-relieving effects;[35] however, a recent placebo-controlled RCT found that desipramine alone or in combination with lidocaine performed no better than placebo.[36] Other antidepressants, such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are also largely ineffective for vulvodynia.[26] Although early theories suggested that unexplained vulvar pain represents a strictly psychological disorder,[10] depression, hypervigilence, and catastrophising are now regarded as evolving when the chronic pain state persists.[5] Nevertheless, many patients report symptom improvement when receiving treatment that targets the psychological sequelae of vulvodynia, such as cognitive behavioural therapy.[5, 6, 25] Another option is the use of oral anticonvulsants (e.g. gabapentin), which may be especially useful for patients with pelvic floor dysfunction;[37-40] however, pelvic floor dysfunction is likely to be secondary to, and not the cause of, vulvodynia.[1, 6] Nonetheless, gabapentin has other indications for use: double-blind placebo-controlled studies indicate that gabapentin is effective in relieving neuropathic pain.[26] Currently, the first multicentre RCT is underway to examine the efficacy of oral gabapentin.[38] Prior studies suggest that gabapentin may improve self-reported symptoms, but these investigations lacked placebo controls.[39, 40] Another confounding factor is that several studies have shown a significant improvement in vulvodynia symptoms with placebo.[6, 36] The degree of placebo effect is correlated with the level of desire to get better and the strength of belief that the proposed treatment may be effective.[6]
Physical therapy

Physical therapy and biofeedback have also shown some success.[5, 6] These techniques can be applied to the treatment of both localised and generalised vulvodynia and can be particularly effective when there is concomitant vaginismus, a physical/psychological pain condition that may reflect hypertonicity of the pelvic floor muscles.[23, 24] Physical therapy is aimed at improving pelvic floor tone and increasing the patient's awareness of her pelvic floor muscles to ease reflex guarding and muscle spasm.[6] Biofeedback also focuses on developing self-awareness to control or minimise vulvar pain, and typically involves the use of an electromyography (EMG) unit that is inserted into the vagina, which allows the patient to measure the force of her pelvic floor contractions through the use of Kegel-like exercises.[41, 42]
Psychological approaches

Psychological, sexual, and behavioural therapies have also been reported to be successful in reducing pain.[5] Few RCTs have investigated the impact of such therapies; only one RCT has demonstrated that psychological therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) are effective treatments for vulvodynia.[43] Although it is now generally accepted that psychological distress and depression are secondary to vulvodynia, the literature supports the use of psychological, sexual, and behavioural therapy to treat vulvodynia symptoms.[6] Nonetheless, these therapies generally do not address the underlying disease mechanisms. Childhood/sexual abuse may be a risk factor for the development of vulvodynia and, if discovered, adjunctive counselling may be indicated.[21, 22] Because psychological distress and depression can arise either following past traumatic experience, such as sexual abuse, or secondary to the chronic pain of vulvodynia itself, the literature supports the adjunctive use of psychological, sexual, and behavioural therapy to treat vulvodynia symptoms.[6] Nonetheless, these therapies generally do not address the underlying peripheral disease mechanisms.
Injectable agents

When the aforementioned approaches do not appreciably improve symptoms, some women may try injected agents.[6] Such therapies are less applicable to generalised vulvodynia, as the injection site(s) is usually limited to the vulvar vestibule and areas immediately surrounding the introitus.[37, 44-46] Botulinum toxin A has been most extensively investigated as a possible injectable treatment for vulvodynia.[37, 44-47] Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin derived from the bacterial pathogen Clostridium botulinum.[37] In addition to a reduction in superimposed pelvic floor muscle spasm, botulinum toxin may also possess efficacy for vulvodynia because of its ability to inhibit substance P release, a neurotransmitter associated with inflammation and pain.[47] Despite promising results in case studies, the only RCT examining the efficacy of botulinum toxin A failed to show a significant improvement in symptoms versus placebo.[46] Injected corticosteroids may also improve pain profiles in women with vulvodynia, which has been attributed to their potential anti-inflammatory effects;[26] however, further investigation is necessary to confirm their effectiveness.
Surgical intervention

Vestibulectomy, a surgical procedure to remove all or part of the vulvar vestibule, is currently regarded as an effective therapy for vulvodynia, yet it is typically reserved as a final measure because of its disfiguring qualities, invasive nature, and risk for both short-term and long-term surgical complications (e.g. unsatisfying appearance, decreased lubrication, and sensitive scar tissue).[48] The relative success of surgical intervention has largely been evaluated using data from case reports, which suggest a roughly 90% pain improvement and satisfaction rate after vestibulectomy.[48, 49] Vestibulectomy is probably less effective for generalised vulvodynia, however, and a handful of cases have reported intensified post-recovery pain symptoms.[48-50] Patients receiving surgery may also experience inclusion cyst development or pain recurrence/persistence at a rate of up to 13%, and will therefore undergo more than one surgery.[48]

As in all chronic pain conditions, long-standing vulvodynia is associated with a complex layering of neuropathology that includes supraspinal influences of depression, anxiety, hypervigilance, and catastrophisation.[51, 52] What is key and unique to the treatment of vulvodynia is the efficacy of targeted vestibular therapy. Clinical research support comes from a number of directions. First, a recent systematic review of vulvodynia treatment has shown a ‘complete relief of vulvodynia pain’ effect size of 67% for surgical excision of the vestibule.[53] This result clearly surpasses other published therapeutic modalities. Second, one of the few, well-designed RCTs compared the therapeutic effectiveness of three modalities: surgical excision of the vestibule; cognitive behavioural therapy (which theoretically targets supraspinal neuropathology); and pelvic floor physiotherapy (targeting pelvic floor musculature).[50] Although all treatments reduced vulvodynia pain and dysfunction, surgical excision was demonstrated to be most effective. The fact that the removal of vestibular tissue is effective in reducing pain suggests that inherent factors associated with the vulvar vestibule influence disease: the vulvar vestibule is derived from a different embryonic origin compared with the exterior vulva and vagina.[54] To give some perspective, this does not conclude that the surgical excision of vestibular tissue is the only effective future approach, rather that medically targeted intracellular intervention directed at the unexcised vestibule is both feasible and likely to correct pain in a majority of vulvodynia cases.

Although a number of vulvodynia causes have been theorised, no definitive mechanism has been defined and no therapy is effective in permanently eliminating all patient-reported symptoms. Current evidence suggests that several contributing factors and potentially overlapping mechanisms/aetiologies are involved in generating chronic vulvar pain. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop improved treatment strategies. Using both basic and clinical research strategies to better elucidate the origins of disease should lead to vast improvements in the available therapeutic tools, enabling clinicians to target the underlying causes of vulvodynia, directing our efforts towards primary prevention.
Inflammation revisited: evidence that vulvodynia may have an inflammatory basis

History of terminology

The original term vestibulitis alludes to the potential inflammatory origins of the disease; ‘itis’ typically denotes an inflammatory condition.[55] The use of this term was supported by evidence that inflammatory cell infiltrates (e.g. mast cells) and inflammatory mediators were present in the vestibular tissue of women with vulvodynia.[56, 57] Inflammatory cells are also present in ‘healthy’ women, however, indicating that this may be a normal state not associated with disease pathology.[58] Therefore, this condition was reclassified as vulvodynia in 2003, effectively removing the inflammatory classification and placing emphasis on allodynia (pain to light touch).[55] Recent studies have revisited the potential inflammatory origins, however, and suggest that a less classical inflammatory presentation may contribute to chronic vulvar pain.[11-17]
New evidence implicating inflammation in vulvodynia

Although both women with LPV and healthy women show signs of infiltrating inflammatory cells, the relative abundance and organisation of these cells may differ between patients and controls. A recent paper demonstrated that women with LPV have higher densities of immune cells in the vulvar vestibule.[16] Women with LPV presented with greater numbers of B lymphocytes and mature mucosal IgA-plasma cells, whereas B and T cells were arranged into germinal centres in cases that were absent in controls.[16] Similar to much earlier observations, however, cases and controls both showed the presence of antigen-presenting dendritic cells, macrophages, and mast cells, in roughly equivalent abundances.[16, 58] In addition, women with LPV may have elevated levels of CD4-positive T cells, which are often recruited by allergic or infectious triggers.[17] Overall, the vestibular area appears to have a localised immune system that contributes to inflammation. Therefore, targeting inflammation may represent a valuable resource for the development of more efficacious therapies for vulvodynia, although, as for any therapy, it may not be equally effective for all LPV patients, based on individual disease profiles.

There is an established link between pain and inflammation: inflammation and proinflammatory mediators have been long associated with allodynia.[12, 59-67] Allodynia is generally indistinguishable from neural pain fibre (nociceptor) sensitization, and is often stimulated by the release of intradermal or subcutaneous proinflammatory factors, including IL-6 and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2).[60, 61] Such factors are frequently elevated in chronic pain conditions,[62, 64] and elevated expression of PGE2 and IL-6 provokes allodynia in both human and animal studies,[59, 66] whereas the suppression of these proinflammatory mediators alleviates allodynia.[68, 69] We have determined that human fibroblasts isolated from painful vulvar sites produce elevated levels of IL-6 and PGE2 compared with fibroblasts isolated from non-painful sites.[12, 13] Furthermore, proinflammatory mediator production is elevated in fibroblasts isolated from women with vulvodynia compared with those isolated from ‘healthy’ controls.

Other research groups have also shown that proinflammatory mediators are present/elevated in the vestibule of women with vulvodynia. One recent report examining proinflammatory mediator expression in the vestibular tissue of cases and controls detected tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α; a proinflammatory mediator) more readily in women with vulvodynia,[15] which is consistent with previous findings indicating that TNF-α and IL1-β are elevated in women with vulvodynia.[70] This study provides histological evidence suggesting that proinflammatory mediator production is elevated in the vestibule of women with vulvodynia,[15] which agrees with findings from our group that indicate vestibular fibroblasts from cases produce elevated levels of proinflammatory mediators.[11-13]

Clinically pain mapping the vulva of an affected patient finds that a mere 3 cm distance separates painful vestibular sites from the non-painful exterior vulva.[13] Despite the proximity to the external vulva, the vestibular tissue is derived from the endoderm,[54] and this tissue is likely to have distinct immunologic properties.[11-13] Furthermore, the vestibule of women with vulvodynia may also be hyperinnervated compared with pain-free controls;[71, 72] however, hyperinnervation may lack specificity for vulvodynia because it has been associated with itching in atopic dermatitis,[73] and neuropathic pain is usually linked to nerve loss, rather than increased nerve density.[74] We propose that hyperinnervation is not likely to represent the pathophysiological foundation of vulvodynia, although it may play a role in this condition. Specifically, there may be an important relationship between hyperinnvervation and the inflammatory response: nerve fibres express receptors for recognising inflammatory stimuli and produce proinflammatory mediators, whereas inflammatory stimuli may promote nerve growth (demonstrated in a mouse model of vulvodynia), and increased nerve density can exacerbate the inflammatory response.[18, 75-77]
Stimuli associated with the development of vulvodynia

Another problem in linking LPV with inflammation is that the identification of precursors to the onset of vulvodynia has been subject to patient recall, and represents a major hurdle in elucidating the origins of the disease.[6, 78, 79] Patient interviews have generated long lists of possible catalysts, reflecting the complex aetiology of LPV, which include childbirth, pregnancy, stress, diet, vulvovaginal infections, sexual/physical abuse, and injury, many of which have not been reliably associated with the onset of vulvar pain.[6, 78, 79] However, one consistent precipitating stimulus has been cited in greater than 70% of women with vulvodynia: a history of recurrent yeast infections.[80] The empirical evidence linking yeast infection with vulvodynia is limited, although in a mouse model, repeated vulvovaginal infection with Candida albicans, a common aetiological agent of vulvovaginal yeast infection, results in contact hypersensitivity and pain, even after infection clearance.[18] Furthermore, a study in humans showed that women with vulvodynia are more likely to react to a patch test with C. albicans than are ‘healthy’ women.[19] Nonetheless, an important caveat to consider is that in most cases yeast infection is self-diagnosed and treated with topical over-the-counter preparations, offering the potential for misdiagnosis, as self-reported yeast infection could represent other gynaecological conditions or infections.[81] Therefore, it is plausible that additional organisms may play a role in this inflammatory response, although there is a clear role for Candida species. Mucous membranes are particularly vulnerable to microbial infection and use a number of often overlapping defence systems for responding to noxious stimuli, including fungi, bacteria, and viruses.[82]

Critics of the infectious origins theory have noted that women with vulvodynia do not present with yeast infection.[1, 5, 26] Furthermore, treatment with antifungal medication does not resolve the symptoms of vulvodynia,[83] although previous recurrent infection may be sufficient to elicit chronic pain.[18] Patient vestibular fibroblasts respond to very low doses of C. albicans (<100 yeast cells), however, whereas pain-free external vulvar cells fail to respond.[11] Such a low dose of yeast is unlikely to be detected by our current clinical diagnostic methods (e.g. culture or DNA probe), and is typically not associated with active infection.[84] This may explain why women with vulvodynia do not present with yeast infection. The doses required to elicit a response in control fibroblasts and in the external vulvar fibroblasts of women with LPV were roughly 1000-fold greater, which is more consistent with infectious loads.[11] These findings suggest that the vulvar vestibule of women with vulvodynia is inherently sensitive to yeast; subclinical infection with C. albicans may be sensed by these fibroblasts to generate a maladaptive immune response. We propose that this represents dysregulation of a normally beneficial response that would typically help to maintain a healthy vulvovaginal flora.
Mechanisms for vulvar inflammation

Research into the mechanisms that might govern inflammation led our group to focus on Dectin-1, a well-characterised yeast responsive pattern recognition receptor (PRR) that recognises fungal β-glucan.[11, 85] The current literature suggests that β-glucan is abundant during chronic infection,[86, 87] and it is also probable that fibroblasts would be able to sense β-glucan during infection, because C. albicans debrides the epithelium through protease secretion and invasion.[88, 89] In turn, the underlying fibroblasts should be exposed to invading yeast and their products. We found that vestibular fibroblasts from women with vulvodynia express slightly elevated protein levels of Dectin-1 compared with controls.[11] At the same time, Dectin-1 is modestly elevated in vestibular versus external vulvar fibroblasts. Although we have not yet definitively demonstrated that increased receptor abundance accounts for heightened sensitivity, this is a plausible explanation that we plan to investigate further. Additional receptors (e.g. TLR-2, TLR-4; Figure 1) may also be involved in the heightened response to yeast or other microbial triggers, as we identified other active PRRs on vestibular fibroblasts. PRRs have been implicated in host recognition of a wide range pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) expressed by yeast, and even bacterial and viral species.[85, 90] We suspect that the combined abundance and activity of these receptors influences the production of proinflammatory mediators, ultimately determining the overall pain profile.

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Open in figure viewerDownload Powerpoint slide
The fungal cell wall and its paradigm receptors. This illustration depicts the Candida albicans cell wall, which is comprised of four major components: mannoprotein, β-glucan, chitin, and the plasma membrane. Although the mannoprotein layer is primarily exposed, β-glucan and chitin are accessible at bud scars during cell division, and β-glucan is actively secreted by C. albicans during chronic infection. We have focused on receptors involved in mannoprotein and glucan recognition (listed on the left), as they are major components of zymosan, which has also been established to elicit a strong response in human vulvar fibroblasts.
At present, this PRR-mediated response (summarised in Figure 2) is the only intracellular mechanism described for vulvodynia.[11] We acknowledge that further investigation will be required to completely elucidate the mechanisms of disease and definitively demonstrate that inflammation plays a causative role in vulvodynia; however, our research has uncovered potential targets for the development of additional LPV therapeutics. Not only have we shown that Dectin-1 is more abundant on fibroblasts isolated from painful areas, but that the activity of Dectin-1 contributes to the production of proinflammatory mediators: blocking the function or expression of Dectin-1 results in a significant decrease in IL-6 and PGE2 production.[11] Dectin-1 can signal through the NFκB pathway, a key pathway triggered during inflammation, which activates the transcription of proinflammatory mediators (e.g. IL-6 and Cox-2, involved in PGE2 production).[91-93] Although NFκB activation has not been previously investigated in vulvar fibroblasts, our recent work demonstrates that the NFkB pathway is activated in cells stimulated with zymosan or live yeast.[11] Furthermore, inhibiting NFκB essentially abrogates proinflammatory mediator secretion in vulvar fibroblasts[11]. Therefore, we have already identified at least two potential targets for the development of new therapeutics: Dectin-1 and NFκB. We expect our current line of investigation to identify other potentially more specific and selective targets.

Figure 2.
Figure 2. Open in figure viewerDownload Powerpoint slide
Inflammatory pattern recognition receptor (PRR) -mediated mechanisms implicated in vulvodynia. This illustration depicts the transcriptional activation of proinflammatory mediators when Dectin-1 and other PRRs (e.g. TLR-2 and TLR-4) signal through the NFκB pathway. Dectin-1 senses live yeast and zymosan to elicit the production and release of proinflammatory mediators (IL-6 and PGE2). Signalling through Dectin-1 results in the phosphorylation of NFκB inhibitors, which are subsequently degraded via proteolysis to allow NFκB subunits (associated with the canonical pathway) to translocate to the nucleus to activate the transcription of IL-6 and Cox-2 (rate-limiting enzyme in PGE2 synthesis). We have discovered the presence of TLR-2 and TLR-4 on vulvar fibroblasts; these PRRs have been shown to signal through NFκB in other cells types, although their function in vulvar fibroblasts has not been confirmed. We are investigating the role of these and other PRRs in sensing and responding to subclinical levels of yeast and other stimuli that may contribute to chronic vestibular inflammation.
Towards better therapeutics

Vulvodynia is a prevalent condition with severe consequences for afflicted women and their partners; however, treatments for vulvodynia fall short, and patients may not receive adequate relief, or symptoms may recur, even after undergoing invasive treatment (e.g. vestibulectomy).[48-50] Multidisciplinary approaches have been most effective and all available evidence suggests that these will continue to make progress;[5, 6, 25] however, taking into account the limited number of RCTs and the placebo effect, it is difficult to discern what the overall best course of treatment will be for any given woman.[26, 36, 38] This results in multiple visits to various doctors and therapists, during which time the patient may perceive that her situation is hopeless or is not being adequately addressed.[5, 6] This only serves to augment the psychosomatic components of the disease.[33, 34]

The monetary cost of vulvodynia care in the USA is greater than $8000 per patient for a 6-month course of treatment, and bears an annual national burden in excess of $31 billion.[94] The sudden onset and crippling effects of vulvodynia, combined with its prevalence, translates to countless women willing to try nearly any therapy, regardless of cost or proven efficacy.[6] Some measures taken by patients to ‘wash away’ symptoms may only serve to exacerbate them, however.[6] Therefore, it is imperative that we carefully examine the underlying mechanisms of disease and develop improved rationales for new therapies or enhanced formulations of current therapies. It is not our viewpoint that the current treatment modalities are invalid: most clinically implemented therapies do have at least some empiric evidence to support their use.[5, 6, 26] We envision a future where these therapies can be better implemented, however, along with new therapies targeting the inflammatory origins of disease. We believe that recent evidence is sufficient to implicate an inflammatory mechanism that serves a role in generating or amplifying vulvar pain. Therefore, the addition of strategies aimed at modulating this response is likely to improve pain symptoms in women with vulvodynia.

By accepting inflammation as a possible contributing factor to the occurrence of vulvodynia, we open a new set of possibilities for the treatment and management of this disabling condition. Although we do not advocate for a terminology change (a return to vestibulitis) or drastic changes to how practitioners treat vulvodynia, we contend that researchers and clinicians alike should be aware that inflammation is likely to play a role in this condition. Further investigation into how inflammation may influence LPV could lead to the development of new therapeutics or even the improved application of currently accepted and used therapies.

Disclosure of interests

None declared. Completed disclosure of interests form available to view online as supporting information.
Contribution to authorship

MLF wrote the bulk of the article. DCF, RPP, and ADB refined the text and provided significant intellectual contributions.
Details of ethics approval

All research performed with human subjects at the University of Rochester was approved by the University of Rochester Institutional Review Board (RSRB #42136), and all human subjects gave their informed written consent.

Relevant research performed at the University of Rochester is supported by NIH-NICHD R01 HD069313 and by NIH-NCATS CTSI grant TL1 TR000096.

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